Why Is Hosting So Exhausting!?

Why is hosting so exhausting? The best tips to stop being exhausted and overwhelmed by party hosting! Time to enjoy each minute of your party!

A woman totally exhausted after hosting a partyWhy is hosting so exhausting? The best tips to stop being exhausted and overwhelmed by party hosting! Time to enjoy each minute of your party!

Really? Absolutely yes!

Hosting should be fun, not stressful!

And, of course, the more stressed we are, the more tired…

Hosting is exhausting because we set the bar too high!

Perfectionism is the #1 source of entertaining stress…

We may be trying too hard to make our parties look like Instagram!

House hosting is nothing but a good moment with our family and friends. So, why are we all so exhausted?

It’s time to look at what’s exhausted us so much! And, of course, you’ll find some great tips on how to deal with it!

Top 50 Best Kitchen Tips

Ready? So let’s dive into it!

Why is hosting so exhausting!?… The main reasons


We feel like we will run out of time or never have enough time to prepare and set everything…

The key here is to plan and start preparing everything ahead. The more we do in advance, the better!

I also suggest you make lists. Not only making lists will reduce your stress level, but you will feel so good everythime you’ll cross something off these lists!


We are afraid of not having enough room…

No matter the size of your house, you will always find it too small anyway! You can quickly move or remove furniture to make the room bigger.

Or, you could invite smaller groups at a time. You don’t have to invite ALL your friends and family all at once!

I know! There is a lot of info here! Make sure you save it to come back to it later 😉

Why is hosting so exhausting?


We stress out about our meal…

That is the thing that stresses us out the most! We tend to put so much focus here! But again, my best advice is to Keep it Simple!

Make easy recipes that you know… or order from a caterer! No one will complain as long as there is enough food for all!

I highly recommend a buffet. Believe me; this is the best no-stress option for any party! I have a whole post about how to plan a simple buffet... and, of course, the easy buffet recipes too! 😊

Also, keep in mind that you don’t need to do too much! No one is there to judge the food you serve; remember that they’re there to have fun!


We are afraid of having too many people in our house…

I sometimes feel a little invaded by the crowd… and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one!

So, I try to invite fewer people at once, or I throw my bigger parties in the summertime; that way, we can be outside… which is perfect for me! 😉

But, if I have no choice and have to host in the winter, I remove some furniture. It gives the impression that my house is bigger. And, of course, I never serve a formal dinner when I host a big crowd!  And most of the time, I don’t even serve dinner at all! I usually go for a light buffet later in the evening.

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Why is hosting so exhausting!?…some more reasons…


Sometimes, we’re afraid that our guests will get bored…

This is in our head only! No worries, if you invite the right people who blend well together, no one will ever get bored! Some parties are sometimes quieter but never dull!

And a quiet party gives you more time to chat with your friends and have longer conversations!


We are scared about the costs…

This is another big concern! Of course, hosting a party will cost you money. But there are so many options to host on a budget.

Of course, a formal dinner might cost more unless you turn it into a pasta fiesta, a soup party, or even a taco party. These are great ways to cut costs.

I have a whole post about hosting a dinner party without breaking the bank! I’m sure you’ll find tons of ideas there to save some money!

But again, a buffet should make you save some dollars too…

Of course, the king to cut costs is a Potluck! Potlucks are so fun, and they will spread the costs with your guests too 😉 and guess what? I also have a post about potlucks! Just in case you missed it, here is how I plan and organize the perfect potluck!


We would prefer not to invite kids, but we feel we have to…

Why is hosting so exhausting!Stop feeling guilty! It’s totally fine to throw a no-kid party! Any parent needs a little break once in a while!

And if some of your friends never go out without their kids, well, invite them another time! If they are real friends, they will understand.

A party without kids is so different! I have to admit that I prefer this kind of party, even though I love kids!😊


We feel forced to invite certain people even if we prefer not to have them…

It’s your party, so YOU have the last word on who you invite! You can always say later that your house is not big enough and that you have too many friends to ask them all at once. Or that you’d rather have several small parties than one big one. No worries, everybody will understand that!

And I’m pretty sure that some of your friends don’t invite you every single time they throw a party!

Still there? 😉 I know there’s a lot of information, but keep on reading; it is all worth it!


We are afraid of being judged…

It is such a human thing! We are all afraid of judgment… but hay! We are talking about a party here, my friends! Believe me; your guests will be too busy chatting and laughing to think about judging you! 😉 … and if some still judge you? Well, they are not real friends and don’t deserve that you stressed out for them! Keep your energy for more important things!

Why is hosting so exhausting!?…and some more!


We are afraid of all the clean-up to do…

Why is hosting so exhausting!Ha! Ha! That’s true! You will definitely have a lot of cleaning to do after… but your party will be so great that it is totally worth it! Who cares if it takes a few days to clean everything up after?

And I can assure you that it always looks worst than it really is. Look at this Post Party clean-up checklist! You will certainly grab great tips there and find out that it really isn’t that bad!

And, of course, if some of your guests offer help, please, say yes! 😊


We think that we absolutely have to pick a theme and never know which one to choose…

Well, we could discuss that for hours! I barely ever pick a theme, and we always have fun! You don’t plan to entertain 4 years old kids here. So, no real need for clowns and balloons!

Please don’t go crazy about it. It’s perfectly fine to have no theme at all. Or the theme of your party could easily be… Party Night! 😉 too easy, right?


What do we do if most of our guests don’t show up?…

To avoid that, I suggest you follow up with them 5 to 7 days before. But no worries, it happens rarely! In fact, it never happens to me!

Yes, one of your guests might have a last-minute emergency, but certainly not ALL of your guests!

So please, don’t even think about it, it won’t happen for you either!


We are afraid that it will be too much work…

Yes, hosting a party is a bit of work. But again, try to prepare as much as possible in advance. Ideally, it would be best if you only had a little to do on Party Day.

And, by keeping things simple, you will avoid a lot of work!

Remember that you don’t need to do too much!

Why is hosting so exhausting!?…finally…


We’re afraid that everything won’t be ready on time…

If it’s your biggest fear, don’t host a formal dinner party, it might stress you too much. I suggest you choose the buffet option to start… and a cold buffet is even better! Everything will be gently waiting for you in the fridge. Nothing to stress about here, right?

Just take out the dishes whenever you’re ready; it just can’t be easier!

Once you get used to hosting, you can try a formal dinner. 😊 Just make sure you choose an easy menu and dishes that you can make ahead.

Why is hosting so exhausting!?… To conclude

So, what do you think? Not that bad after all, right?

To resume…

  • Stop aiming for perfection!
  • Remember that everything just can’t always be perfect!
  • Focus on the most important things; your guests, the ambiance, a bit of food, a bit of drink… and a lot of fun!
  • I can never say that enough; Hosting is not a competition! Stop comparing yourself with others that have more budget or more experience.
  • Always remember that your friends are there to have a good time, not to judge you!
  • Start with a smaller party to get used to it.
  • Don’t waste tons of time and energy on clean-up or impossible party decor.
  • And real life is not Instagram or Pinterest pictures!
  • Hosting can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be!
  • As long as your guests feel welcomed and see that you’re happy they are there, all will be good! Your party will be a success…
  • Always, always remember that the most important thing when throwing a party is your guests! No happy guests, no party!

sweet daisy

Keep things simple!

That is the key to a So Perfectly Simple party!!

As always, I would love to hear from you 🖤

And would also be more than happy to answer your questions or read your comments, so feel free to use the box below!

Or, even better, Use that comment box to tell me what is YOUR biggest fear. What’s holding you back from hosting a party? I just can’t wait to help you overcome those fears!

** If you liked this post, let your friends know 😊 please share it!

Talk to you soon!



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