The Power Of Lists!… Making Lists Can Save You Time!…

How and why making lists. How making lists can save you time…and money! The ultimate guide to creating lists…and how to use them!

power of listsThe power of lists! and why making lists can save you time…a lot of time! ( and money too!! )…

Have you ever felt like you’re totally out of control?  That you won’t have time to do all you have to do… or even worst! Just can’t remember what you were supposed to do?

Well, my friend, lists are for you!!  Starting making lists will help you keep control and save time, but most importantly, lists will help you stay calm! Lists are the best way to go through each day or situation without stress! Believe me; I wouldn’t make it without them!!

I just love lists!

I like making lists for almost everything… it makes my life so much easier! 🙂

I make all kinds of lists: To-do lists, grocery lists, Christmas gifts lists, house tasks lists, spring tasks lists… got the idea? Any reason is good to draft a list!


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The power of lists: Why do I love lists so much?

( and why you should like them too!! )

  • Because having lists gives you peace of mind! Instead of having tons of ideas rolling in your head, all these ideas are nicely secured in one single place…You won’t have to worry about forgetting something because everything is on a list!

too many ideas rolling in your head

  • Also, writing down all the to-do things on a list helps you take a step back… and realize that, after all, it’s not as bad as you first thought!
  • When everything is well organized, you feel like you have complete control of everything!…and we all like thinking that we control as much as possible 😊
  • Most of all, making lists can save you time…and money!

So, as you can see, I’m a list lover… I like making lists, but most of all, I like scratching off things from these lists!!

I feel good every time I scratch something. And seeing that I have less and less to do is so satisfying!! 😉 Try it; you’ll see what I mean!

If you like lists as much as me, you will love this Bullet Journal!

My cooking and baking bullet journal

Let’s get back to our lists…

The power of lists: What kind of lists…

Let me explain how I work with all these lists;

Of course, you can use your phone or Ipad to create as many lists as you want. No matter what way you choose, a list is a list!

I personally prefer the good old-fashioned paper lists. I can carry them in my purse and easily access them either to add something to it or scratch a thing from it…always close to me…so I never forget to add on them!

… You can also use color codes, Post-It, or different notebooks for each type of list… But, because I’m all about simple things, I like to keep it simple!

There are a lot of possibilities; just make sure you choose the right option. Think that it has to be easy to access or you’ll forget to use them… Want some more ideas on how to create the perfect list? I’m sure you’ll find inspiration there!!

The power of lists: My 12 favorite lists

Making these lists can save you time…and money!!

1-Grocery list:

Of course, it has to be on top! Having to stop at the grocery store every day is the worst! ( what a waste of time! ) Going once a week is good enough, and I  save some precious time. I add items on my list all week long, and before going to the grocery store,  I just do a quick check-up in my fridge and pantry to see what’s missing…and because I follow my list ( well, most of the time!! ) I rarely buy things that I don’t need…that makes me save money!

2-Weekly meal menu list: 

Planning my weekly menu is the best! I save so much time and stress. I always know exactly what to cook and what to buy…and it also makes me save a little money 🙂

And of course, when I think about something I could make next week or the week after… I add it to my meal ideas list!!

3-Non-food and drugstore list:

I add on it every time I almost finish something. As soon as I use one of the last bathroom tissue rolls, or when I see my bottle of dish soap going low, I add the item to my list 🙂 very easy to do! And next time I go to the drugstore, I’ll know exactly what to buy…So I save a little money here too!

4-The power of lists… the most useful ones!! The tasks lists!

…I usually use more than one

  • Daily tasks
  • Weekly tasks
  • Meal prep for the coming week
  • Seasonal tasks for things around the house that we do only a few times a year…

make lists to save timeThe power of lists… more ideas!!

5-Gifts and presents list:

Like many of us, you probably never know what to buy for birthday presents or Christmas gifts! We already have so many things to think about!

…But since I make a present list, I always know what to buy! So easy and efficient! When I go shopping and see some good gift ideas, I write them down on my list. I sometimes add a Christmas gift idea in June! And I always have a lot on that list; I write down everything that could make a good gift; it gives me more options when it’s time to buy that lovely gift 😉

6-Holidays parties menu list:

I love making that list, and I sometimes start it almost a year before! For my family, the Holiday season begins in mid-October! We have a nice party every month to celebrate a birthday! And then Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas…New Year’s Eve, and the last one on January 2nd to celebrate my father-in-law’s birthday… so let me tell you, I wouldn’t make it without lists!

And because three of these parties are buffets, I write a lot of things on my list! Every time I discover a new recipe, I add it to my list 😊 Of course, I cook and bake my classics every year, but I really like to offer some different plates each time to please my guests…So I’m always looking for a Perfectly Simple recipe to add to my list… 😉  feel free to send me yours!!

7-Important things and appointments to remember

Even though I use an agenda, I always like to have a list of all the special things to remember or important appointments. I think that because I write them down on my list, it makes it easier to remember… I really don’t know why, but as long as it works and I don’t forget anything…

The power of lists: Some other lists that I like to make…

how to plan and host a no-stress fancy dinner

8-Special dinner and party list:

For a special dinner or any other occasion, I like to break down all the different tasks I will have to do. That way, I’m sure I won’t forget anything, and it also helps me schedule all these tasks… have a look there to see how I’m planning a party! 😊 I like to have separate lists for groceries, baking & cooking, decoration… Making all these lists can make you save so much time!!

9-Gardening and spring tasks list:

We all know how many things we have to do around the house at this period of the year! Plants to buy, to plant, to move… again, making lists is the best way to save time…and money! You won’t have to buy things twice if you are well prepared.

10-Vacation list:

My husband and I like to rent a cottage or go on a camping trip for our summer vacation…Imagine all we have to bring with us!  And imagine how much fun I have making all the lists I need!!  😉

And even if you prefer to stay at the hotel, there are always tons of items you must bring, so make sure you write a list.. or two so you won’t forget anything!

11-Wrapping paper and gifts bags: 

( ha! ha! I told you that I make a list for everything!! ) seriously, I started making a list for that because I was sick of always ending up with the wrong size of bag or the wrong color of bows… Since I started that list, I have saved a lot of time and money! I don’t have to run to the store to buy what’s missing, and I never buy just in case, without knowing exactly what I need… I know it looks strange, but believe me, during the Holidays season, the last thing you need is stressing out about wrapping paper!!

12-New recipes that I would like to try: 

One of my favorite lists of all!!  I just love discovering new recipes! And when I’m out of inspiration for my meal planning, I have a look at that list, and I always find something to cook!!  Just love it!  … of course, I do have separate lists for desserts… 😄

make lists to save time   In addition to these 12 important lists, I also make lists at work! Part of my job is planning and organizing my co-workers’ work… can you just imagine how many lists I do!! ha! ha!


The power of lists: Kids

Of course, if you have kids, you will have to make many other lists! Activities, appointments, friends’ birthday parties, school’s special activities… you wouldn’t want to miss your younger’s hockey game!!

There are always so many things to remember when you have young kids…Having lists for all that’s important will help you keep your stress level low! Leave these lists where you are sure to access them quickly…

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The power of lists: In conclusion… 

As you can see, all reasons are good to start a list!

Everything is easier when it’s well-planned, and lists help you plan everything!!

Phone, IPad, laptop, paper… just make sure that you choose the way that works well for you!  You could have the nicest and most complete lists on Earth; if they are not easy to access, you just won’t use them…then why bother making lists?…

sweet daisyI hope that I have convinced you about the Power of lists!

Once you start making and using lists, you’ll see that you just can’t stop! 😃… but don’t forget to keep them close to you so you can add on them whenever you have a great idea… Great ideas can pop up anytime… better be ready!

…And don’t be afraid to add a lot to your lists; always better to have as many ideas as possible, and when the time comes, just scratch from your list what you won’t need


As always, I would love to hear from you! 🖤  Please use the comment box for any questions or to tell me what your favorite list is?

Or even better, use that comment box to tell me what is the list you just couldn’t live without? I’M such a curious girl; I just can’t wait to find out!!

*If you liked this post, let your friends know! 😉 Please share it! 

Talk to you soon!

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