Blog Marketing Terms New Bloggers Over 50 Love To Know!

Blog marketing terms are so confusing! Learn the marketing terminology to promote and monetize your blog with success!

blog marketing terms every new blogger needs to know!

Blog marketing terms! I know!… I hear you thinking, oh no! Another thing to learn!? Phew! There are so many!

Starting a blog in our 50s is not easy…

We all want a successful blog.

And we all want tons of visitors to our website, right?

Of course, we would also love to make money from blogging! 🙂

But, to do so, we have to know and understand all those new marketing words…and there are a lot!

Opt-in forms, freebies, broadcasts, automation, tags…and so much more we never heard about! It is so confusing!

I thought, why not make a little tour of all this marketing vocabulary? I swear, after reading this, you will talk like a marketing pro! ha! ha! Or at least you will understand when the pros talk!

  1. Blog Image/Branding
  2. Email Marketing Vocabulary
  3. How To Build Your Email List
  4. Start Your Email Campaigns
  5. Words To Sell
  6. Make Money With Your Blog
  7. Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
  8. To Conclude

So, let’s jump into this blog marketing world!

But before we dive into our topic, make sure you save this.

I’m sure you will like to refer to it…more than once!

Blog marketing terms to learn

Ready? So let’s jump into it!

Blog Marketing Terms For New Bloggers Over 50

Your Blog Image/Branding

First thing first, let’s start with your brand. I can’t tell you how important this is! You have to find your image and stick to it. It’s the base of branding.

You want your customers/readers to recognize you, right?

So, let’s have a look at the words related to the image of your blog/website.

  • Branding: This is the overall look and feel of your blog. Everything from the fonts you use to the colors of your website will all come together to create a unique picture that represents you and your overall message. Your brand is how you will differentiate yourself from others. It’s also how your readers will recognize you, and it will ensure your website looks professional. Your logo, the images you use on your blog, the shape of your social media share buttons, and even your blog theme are part of your branding.
  • Your Voice: It’s the tone you will use to write and what makes you different from others. We all have a unique way of saying things, and it’s what we call our voice. Because English is not my first language, mine wasn’t easy to find! But I finally got it! 😉
  • Tagline: A tagline is the slogan of your site. It should explain in a few words what your site/blog is about. For example, my tagline is: “Helping you host your friends at home or on your blog, The So Perfectly Simple Way!”

I know all these blogging terms and words look so complicated when you are new in the blogging world! And there are so many other things to learn that we run out of time to research and find the meaning of all these words!

So, just in case you missed it, I suggest you read my previous post: New Blogger? You’ll Love To Know These Blogging Terms! (at 50+ too!) You will find all your answers and finally understand all these blogging terms! 😉

skills to learn blog marketing terms

Blog Marketing Terms For New Bloggers Over 50

Email Marketing Vocabulary

Now that you found your image and voice, it’s time to learn how to reach out to your customers!

  • Email Marketing: This is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In the blogging world, email marketing is essential.  It’s a one-on-one way to propose and promote your products or affiliate products through emails you send to your subscribers. That’s how most of the successful bloggers make money ( remember? The money is in the list, they say! 😉)
  • Email Service Provider: An email service provider (ESP) allows users to send email campaigns to a list of subscribers. Email service providers are technology companies that make it easier for people to build email lists and send emails. That company will also manage your list of subscribers and their email addresses. There are a few popular ones, such as; Convertkit, Mailerlite, and Mailchimp… I use Convertkit, and I just love it! So, so easy to use!
  • Forms: Or sign-up forms are what you’ll use to turn your visitors into subscribers or to have them sign-up for your freebie or newsletter. I don’t know about the others, but Convertkit offers many different templates to choose from, and creating a form is super, super easy!

Another super, super easy thing to do is to have a blog plan to keep track of everything! 😉 You know how things go fast! You wouldn’t want to forget anything, would you?

What? you don’t have a blog plan yet? ha! ha! No worries! Get your copy of my Simple Blog Plan for free! I’m sure it will be as useful for you as it is for me!

Ok, Let’s get back to our main topic!

Blog Marketing Terms For New Bloggers Over 50

How To Build Your Email List

It’s now time to build your email list…or at least know about the new words to do so! 😉

Because you want your readers to follow you, to come back to your website, to be loyal, but more than that, you want to help them as much as you can, right?

How many times have you heard bloggers say that money is in the list? haha! Let’s find out why!

Here are the words you’ll use to build your email list:

  • Opt-In: The term Opt-in refers to the action of stating a customer’s agreement with receiving marketing-focused emails. In essence, opting in means consenting to receive marketing emails.
  • Freebie: Freebies are essential in the blogging world! It’s a free gift you offer to your readers in exchange for their email addresses. The best freebies are the ones that solve a problem and answer questions. It could be a checklist, a small ebook, useful lists or planners, a tutorial, etc. It has to be appealing so your readers want it. As an example, here is one of my freebies. It’s My Simple Blog Plan! The plan I couldn’t leave without! ha! ha! Feel free to grab your free copy! Freebies are usually PDF files that will be automatically sent to your readers once they sign-up and provide their email addresses and names.
  • Freebie Library: As the name says, it’s a library where you keep all your collection of freebies. When a reader sign-up, he will receive a password to access all the content of your freebie library as a free gift.
  • Lead-Magnet: A lead magnet is also a freebie, but a stronger one! The goal is the same as a freebie; grow your email list and target new customers.
  • Content Upgrade: A content upgrade is a piece of bonus content you offer to your audience, usually in exchange for email addresses. In that sense, content upgrades are a lot like lead magnets. Unlike a standard lead magnet, though, a content upgrade offers a highly-targeted piece of content to your audience.
  • Challenges: These are fun and very popular in the blogging world. Many bloggers use them to build or grow their email lists. Just like any other freebie or opt-in form, challenges are created with the intent to solve a problem in a short period of time. Using your Email Service Provider, you will build an email sequence so your subscribers receive one email a day for x amount of days. Could be as short as a 5-day challenge or even a 30-day challenge. At the end of the challenge, the subscriber would have learned or accomplished a goal, and you now have a chance to pitch a product or service you sell.

*Disclosure: I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through one of my affiliate links, of course, at no additional cost to you!  I share and promote only products I use, trust, and love! 🖤 Products I know you will love too! 😉Please read our disclosure for more information.

Blog Marketing Terms For New Bloggers Over 50

Start Your Email Campaigns

blog marketing words for new bloggers,start an email campaign

Now that you have started your email list, it’s time to use it!

So, what to do with all the names and email addresses you collect? Of course, you will write to your readers! So obvious!

Here are the words related to email campaigns:

  • Subscriber: People who sign-up for your freebie in exchange for their name and email addresses are now your subscribers.
  • Forms: The forms are what you’ll use on your blog to attract subscribers. Your readers will have to fill out the form to get access to your freebie.
  • Sequences: This is an email sequence you will create to send out to your readers. Could be a few follow-up emails to thank your new subscribers and propose some of your services and products, or you could use it for an email course or challenge.
  • Broadcasts: This is a way to send a mass of emails to all of your subscribers or choose to send them to a specific segment of your email list. Broadcasts are also perfect for newsletters.
  • Tags: A way to tag your subscribers into specific categories, depending on the freebie they signed for. I’m blogging about helping you host friends at home and helping you host friends on your blog. Obviously, if you need help to start your blog, you won’t appreciate receiving brownie recipes or a list of the best cocktails for your next garden party! ha! ha! You signed up to receive blogging tips, and that’s the only thing you want from me. So, I had to use the tag section to categorize all my readers. 😉 Easy peasy!
  • Segments: These are a way to group subscribers at a larger scale and target the right people to send emails to.

See? You are now ready to plan your first email campaign! It is so exciting, isn’t it?

blog marketing terms, freebies to help you learn them

Blog Marketing Terms For New Bloggers Over 50

Words To Sell

Most of us are not salespeople. But if you want to make money from your blog, you have to be familiar with all that sales vocabulary.

And once your blog starts to grow, you will see opportunities to work with other businesses or bloggers, so better know how to address them!

No matter what you sell; products or services, the method is almost always the same. What words will you need?

  • Media Kit: A media kit is also known as a press kit. It’s a set of promotional materials to provide information about you and what services or products your offer. In other words, it should explain what you can do for them. You will present it to businesses or people you want to work with. You can find plenty of media kit templates online.
  • Sales Pitch: A sales pitch is a sales presentation you create to persuade someone to purchase or invest in your products or services. Sale pitches vary in style, tone, or length, depending on who you are reaching out to.
  • Conversation Rate: This is the number of visitors who purchase a product, signed-up to your email list, or click a link. Conversion rates are important because they allow you to keep track of how efficiently something is working in your favor…or not! A high conversion rate means your strategy works well; on the other hand, a low conversion rate means you should think about a new strategy or a new way to present things.
  • Funnel/Sales Funnel: A sales funnel is a marketing system used to take a possible customer all the way down to the sale itself. The top of the funnel represents prospect clients, and the bottom represents the actual buyers. It’s all about attracting and retaining prospect customers.
  • Sales lead: This is when a suspected client turns into a potential customer: almost at the bottom of your funnel but not quite at the bottom yet. You still have a bit of work to do here! 😉

Know the blog marketing terms to make money blogging

Blog Marketing Terms For New Bloggers Over 50

Time To Make Money With Your Blog

And now… What if you could make a little money from your blog? Sounds great, right?

No matter how old you are, you are never too old to monetize your blog!

Blogging is the perfect side hustle for us, the older ones. We have so much time to dedicate to our blog 😊why not make a little extra money? Of course; younger ones can monetize their blog too! ha! ha!

Now time to learn the blogging terminology that will make you richer!

  • Ads:  Display ads on your blog is one of the most common ways bloggers use to monetize their blog. Most ad companies will decide the type of ads to be displayed on your website, depending on your blog’s niche and content. You will get paid either by PPC or CPM ( more about these in a second!). To tell you the truth, I’m not a big fan of displaying ads on my blog. I hate when there are too many ads on a site or when you are bombarded with pop-ups every two seconds! It’s very disturbing, and I usually leave the site after a few seconds! So, of course, I don’t want my readers to feel the same! I want them to have a great experience when they come to my blog! 😊
  • PPC: Is for Pay Per Click. Every time a visitor clicks on an ad placed on your website, you get a small commission. Pretty easy, right?
  • CPM: Is for Cost Per Thousand. Companies will pay you a fixed rate for every one thousand impressions on a particular ad. No need to click on it; only impressions or views will count. There are many companies that offer ad services for your blog, such as Google Adsense,, or AdThrive. But of course, you need some blog traffic to apply for some of these. If you want to give ads a try, here you’ll find the 4 best ad networks for new bloggers. It could be a great start to monetize your blog!
  • Services: Offering a service and promoting it on your blog is a good way to make money. Have a look at your niche and find a way you could help your readers. It could be anything from helping them with their weekly menu or workout routine to helping them plan a party or their next trip! So, what are you good at? 🙂

Still there: I know, there is a lot!

But stay tuned, I will talk about the easiest way to make money in a few seconds! 😉


  • Sponsors: Another great way to make money blogging is by writing sponsored posts. You write about a particular product or service and get compensation for it ( material or financial ). The goal is to promote the advertiser’s service or product. You have to be honest, so your readers feel they can trust you.
  • E-Products: These are any kind of digital product. E-books, E-courses, printables… Selling e-product is one of the biggest sources of income for most successful bloggers. It’s also one of the best forms of passive income; which means you make money while you’re sleeping! ha! ha! Think about the knowledge you have that you could share by writing an e-book or creating an e-course; that would be a fabulous way to help others and get rich!
  • Physical Products: Yes, you can also use your blog to sell physical products you make or by doing direct sales where you sell products from another company or blogger. Could be clothing, jewelry, artwork, or books. And you could also have an Etsy boutique to sell all your products. The sky is the limit! Isn’t it great? Only you can decide what to do or not to make your blog as successful as you want!
  • Freelance: A freelance blogger is a professional who writes blog posts for their clients. They may write about a specific topic or niche that the client provides, or they may have the freedom to create topics in a specific area.

blog marketing terms for new bloggers

Blog Marketing Terms For New Bloggers Over 50

Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliated Marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money from your blog. And it’s also my favorite; that’s why I kept it for the end. 😉

Once you start building your audience and community of people who trust you, they will be more likely to purchase the products you recommend. You can become an affiliate and promote almost any product you like! Simply look for their Affiliates or Become A Partner section on their website.

But what exactly is Affiliate Marketing, and what words will you use or read about that topic?

  • Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. In other words, it’s a way for you to promote products you use and like, and make a small commission when your readers buy them through your affiliate link.
  • Affiliate Link: An affiliate link is a tool used in affiliate marketing programs. A unique link is assigned to an affiliate partner by a partner program. When a website user clicks on the link, that click is attributed to the affiliate partner. The link contains the affiliate’s ID or username to enable tracking. You add the affiliate link of the product you want to promote to your blog, and once your reader buys the product through your affiliate link, you earn a commission.
  • Affiliate Code: This is a unique code specifically for you that tracks the sale of a particular product you promote on your blog.
  • Affiliate Partners: Affiliate partners are partnerships that drive traffic to your properties through tracked links and earn a cut when that traffic converts.  An affiliate partner can be a business, an individual, or another affiliate program. So, if you have a product to sell, and that I like this product, I could promote it and become your affiliate partner! 😉

There are tons and tons of possibilities here! Yes, you can promote other bloggers’ products, but you can also become an affiliate for companies like Amazon Associates. They sell so many different products you’re sure to find some related to your niche!

Blog Marketing Terms For New Bloggers Over 50

To Conclude

See? It was easier than you first thought, right?

You are now a Blog Marketing expert! ha! ha! Ok, maybe not… But at least you can now understand all those marketing terms.

All these blog marketing terms are a bit scary at first but trust me, the more you progress in your blogging journey, the easiest it will be! It’s usually easier to learn something once you get into it.

don't forget to sign for your free copy

So please, don’t let these scary blog marketing terms slow you down!

If you haven’t started blogging yet, then now is the time to start your blog! Start it now and learn as you go… Stop wasting all that precious time trying to figure out everything before. Just dive into it and enjoy each moment… Read this step-by-step guide on how to start a blog at 50+ and find out how easy it is! 😉

It’s time to start blogging the So Perfectly Simple way!

sweet daisy

What if blogging was the beginning of your New Dream Life?

As always, I would love to hear from you! 🖤Use the box below for any questions or comments ( I swear I always answer! ). Or even better, tell me which blog marketing term intimidated you the most? Why is that? … I’m such a curious girl; I have to know! And I love comments  (😉 plus, comments are good for SEO!! ha! ha! but that’s another story…)

We are now blogging friends 😊 it’s time to connect and share ideas!!

Talk to you soon!

freebies to help you learn blog marketing terms

Related Posts:

Blog Content, How To Find New Topic Ideas (readers will love!)

-Amazing Blogging Tools We Need (why you will love them too!)

-Starting A Blog Over 50? 12 Things I Wish I’ve Done Before!

P.S. I hope you enjoyed learning all these Blog Marketing Terms New Bloggers Over 50 Love To Know! 😊

about me

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